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"Zone 0" Information

Aerial view of a house with measurements, driveway, trees, garden, and seating area.

"Zone 0", in defensible space terms, refers to the first five feet of space that extends out from the walls, or an attached deck of your home.  This area has always been included in Zone 1 in the past but is being looked at more closely now, due to the tragic and devastating wildfires across California over the last decade.  Science and data are showing us that this area of a home can be the most vulnerable to ignition from embers, smoldering fires and fires in which a continuation of fuels, such as fences or gates, regularly are the cause of the structure catching fire.

Although Zone 0 is not specifically stated in Public Resource Code (PRC) 4291, the code is now in the process of being updated and finalized this year and will become enforceable very soon after.  We are currently educating our residents on what Zone 0 will look like and giving you a head start on what will be required soon.  It is important to understand that once PRC 4291 has been updated, new construction will be mandated to meet these requirements prior to occupancy, while existing construction will have a three-year phase in timeframe to comply.


The first five feet from your home is the most important. Keeping the area closest to buildings, structures, and decks clear will prevent embers from igniting materials that can spread the fire to your home.

Why? The majority of homes lost to wildfire are ignited by flying embers. Embers can travel miles ahead of the active front of wildfires.  

What to do:

  1. Use hardscape like gravel, pavers, or concrete. No combustible bark or mulch.
  2. Remove all dead and dying plants, weeds, and debris (leaves, needles, etc.) from your roof, gutter, deck, porch, stairways, and under any areas of your home.
  3. Remove all branches within 10 feet of any chimney or stovepipe outlet.
  4. Limit combustible items (like outdoor furniture and planters) on top of decks.
  5. Relocate firewood and lumber to Zone 2.
  6. Replace combustible fencing, gates, and arbors attached to the home with noncombustible alternatives.
  7. Consider relocating garbage and recycling containers outside this zone.

Consider relocating boats, RVs, vehicles, and other combustible items outside this zone.



Helpful Links

Zone 0 Frequently Asked Questions.pdfeo-_urban-conflagration-n-18-25-final.pdfZone 0 Working Group MARCH 4 POWERPOINT.pdf